September 11th 2008

Borrowed from my friend the Revd. Elizabeth

Kaeton of Chatham, New Jersey.

See her wonderful blog at

September 11th 2008

Lord, take me where You want me to go,

let me meet who You want me to meet,

tell me what You want me to say,

and keep me out of Your way.

Fr. Mychal Judge, OFM, Chaplain, NYFD. First official recorded victim 9/11 attack . His picture and his prayer.


  1. Even prior to his heroic death, Father Mychal Judge, “the Saint of 9/11”, was widely seen by many New Yorkers as a living saint for his deep spirituality and his extraordinary work not only with firefighters -- but with the homeless, recovering alcoholics, people with AIDS, immigrants, gays and lesbians, and others rejected by society.

    This often annoyed the Roman church hierarchy. But like his spiritual father St. Francis of Assisi, Mychal reported directly to a Higher Authority, as evidenced by several miraculous healings through him.

    Here’s the last Homily he gave, on Sept. 10, 2001, at a Mass for firefighters. This is really how me all should approach life --


    “You do what God has called you to do.
    You go out and do the job.
    No matter how big the call, no matter how small,
    you have no idea of what God is calling you to, but
    God needs you. He needs me. He needs all of us.
    God needs us to keep supporting each other,
    to be kind to each other, to love each other.

    “We love this job, we all do. What a blessing it is !
    It’s a difficult, difficult job, but God calls you to do it,
    and indeed, He gives you a love for it
    so that a difficult job will be well done.

    “Isn’t God wonderful ?!
    Isn’t He good to you, to each one of you, and to me ?
    Turn to God each day --
    put your faith, your trust, your hope and your life in His hands.
    He’ll take care of you and you’ll have a good life.
    And this firehouse will be a great blessing
    to this neighborhood and to this city.


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