Back in the saddle

I have been back in the saddle in recent days. It was my privilege to preside at five celebrations of the Eucharist, and to preach three sermons.

Thursday 23rd Dec.  At the weekly Healing Eucharist and Sermon at St. Boniface on Siesta Key, FL.

Friday 24th Dec. As Presider on Christmas Eve at St. Boniface Midnight Mass. (The Rector, Ted Copland had laryngitis).  I arrived home at 12:45 a.m. Christmas Day.  I had forgotten how I used to get so “wound up” after Midnight Mass that I could not sleep for a while!  So it was 2:00 a.m. afore I went to bed  (my usual bedtime is 9:00 p.m.!)

Saturday 25th Dec.  As Presider at the 11:00 a.m. St. Boniface Christmas Day Eucharist (the Rector still had laryngitis!).
(My good friend and colleague Andi Taylor the Assistant at St. B's  preached different sermons at Midnight Mass and on Christmas Day.  She was smoking hot each time! [She and I knew, liked, and respected each other in Massachusetts.]

Sunday 26th Dec. (Boxing Day).  I presided and preached at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.  at my “other parish”,  All Angels by the Sea on Longboat Key, FL,  so that its good Rector David Danner could have a Sunday off.  I had one sermon for 8:00, and another for 10:00.

WOW!  I am grateful for the trust bestowed upon me by the two Rectors.  And I think, (as it has been said), that it is better to wear out than to rust away.

Here are Christmas Eve pics of me with Andi Taylor and with Ted Copland. (You'll see the St. B's Deacon, the Revd Alan Rogers in the mirror.  He was taking the photo'!)


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