Episcopal Relief and Development fails (charitable giving)

A few months ago I sent money  to Episcopal Relief and Development (an agency of the American Episcopal Church).  My gift was designated for the rebuilding of the Anglican Hospital in Gaza, Palestine.

I made it clear that this was a one time gift, and that I did not wish to be on ERD's mailing list.

FAT CHANCE    I have since received four mailings from ERD despite the fact that I have requested (in writing and by mail)  to be removed from their list.

A few years ago I joined Amnesty International.  I think that they do good and essential work. 

When I joined I stated  "I do not wish to be on your mailing list.   If you send me multiple mailings I will not renew my membership next year".

Guess what?   They sent me multiple mailings.

Guess what again?   I did not renew my membership the next year.


Au contraire  - earlier this year  I mailed donations to Sarasota's "ALL FAITHS FOOD BANK", and later on to our "CAT DEPOT":  (in each case in honour of the neighbours who had taken care of my cats whilst I was out of town) .

When I mailed the checks/cheques I stated the reason for my gift, and asked "do not place me on your mailing list"

The Food Bank and the Cat Depot have honoured that request.


So, as you might guess, I have much warmer feelings about our Food Bank and about our Cat Charity than I have about ERD and about AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL.

I am far more likely to give to the local charities who do not place me on eternal mailings lists, than to the national/international charities which bombard me with request after request for yet another donation.

Blah to ERD and to AMNESTY

Kudos to the Food Bank and to the Cat Depot.


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