Let's be clear about this - immigrants and refugees.
Let's be clear about this.
1. The current expressions of xenophobia, paranoia, fear-mongering, ill-informed, anti-immigrant, Islam hating, Islam fearing, Mexican hating, deceitful pronouncements by "would be"
presidential candidates in the U.S.A. will bring about nothing that is good.
It will bring about much which is bad.
2. This vile rhetoric, especially as espoused by Mr. Donald Trump and Dr, Ben Carson (both Republicans) is tacitly supported by the silence of "would be" Democratic presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Silence = Complicity.
3. My beloved native land (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is also in the grip of unthinking xenophobia, anti-immigrant, anti-Islam rhetoric.
4. If (in the U.S.A.) your main source of news is Fox News, CNN, or CNBC do understand that you are being fed a dangerous diet of Islamaphobia and anti immigrant rhetoric, much of which poses as "news", but which in fact is biased propaganda, masquerading as commentary.
5. If (in the U.K.) your main source of news is one of the popular daily newspapers (i,e, "The Sun" or "The Daily Mail") do understand that you are being fed a dangerous diet of Islamaphobia and anti immigrant rhetoric, much of which poses as "news" but which in fact is biased propaganda, masquerading as commentary.
6. If you think that I am being politically unrealistic then you are correct, For my thinking is not rooted in that which is politically popular or expedient.
Indeed it is rooted in the Jewish biblical tradition which mandates a generous welcome to the alien, and in the Christian biblical tradition in which Jesus tells his followers to welcome the stranger.
I much prefer the pure teachings of the Torah, and of Jesus of Nazareth as opposed to the temporizing of politicians (left and right), and the propaganda of news sources in the U.K. and the U.S.A.
5. If (in the U.K.) your main source of news is one of the popular daily newspapers (i,e, "The Sun" or "The Daily Mail") do understand that you are being fed a dangerous diet of Islamaphobia and anti immigrant rhetoric, much of which poses as "news" but which in fact is biased propaganda, masquerading as commentary.
6. If you think that I am being politically unrealistic then you are correct, For my thinking is not rooted in that which is politically popular or expedient.
Indeed it is rooted in the Jewish biblical tradition which mandates a generous welcome to the alien, and in the Christian biblical tradition in which Jesus tells his followers to welcome the stranger.
I much prefer the pure teachings of the Torah, and of Jesus of Nazareth as opposed to the temporizing of politicians (left and right), and the propaganda of news sources in the U.K. and the U.S.A.
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