Now we see through a glass darkly

I had an eyesight test on May 19th.   The news is mainly good with no signs of glaucoma or macular degeneration. I have mild cataracts which do not need attention for now.

 I needed a new "script" for reading glasses.  (I use progressive lenses, the top part being plain glass and the bottom to correct my reading vision - 'cause I "hate" having to take my glasses on and off for reading or for driving,)

I also wanted to use my existing frame partly because it is in good shape, and partly because I like the design - (which  is no longer available).

The new lens arrived on June 3rd.  Woe upon woe they did not fit tightly into the old frame.

So on June 3rd the Optician sent the old  frame and new lens back to the manufacture for a  new fit (with reground lens),

I was told that this process would take between a week and ten days.  So for that time I used my "standby" spectacles from two prescriptions back.

This was not good,  I could read the newspaper if I held it about a foot from my nose. I could not read internet mail and pages without magnifying them.  Reading my Hamilton book was impossible.

I had to use a magnifying glass to read an e-mail address on a business card.  All this made me think about my late friend Ben M, and my living friend Betty M who both suffer(ed) from Macular Degeneration which makes (made)  their lives so very complicated.

Mercy me, my new lens and old frames came back yesterday, only five days after they had been returned.  This is good,

Old glasses (l)_  New lens with older frame (r)

If you think this is mundane or parochial i agree!

Anything to take my mind away from the speculations, masquerading as opinion, in turn masquerading  as news about Trump/Comey/May.



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