What Do You Do on the First Night of Hannakuh?

 But of course, you go to your local Temple.  In my case it is Temple Emman-uel,  about two miles from my home.

I joined my Jewish friends there for the lighting of the first candle on the first night of this festival of deliverance and light.

The 7' high Menorah designed and fabricated by a Temple member. Made to contain Tiki Torches -  they burn outside far better than do Candles.

Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman welcomes us

The sun has disappeared from the western sky, so the ceremonies can begin.  For many Temple Emman-uel members this was the first time since March that they could gather in person: outside, masked, and socially separated. 

Associate Rabbi Michael Sheffrin lights the first  torch. Hanukkah candles are lighted throughout  the eight days right to left, just the same as the Hebrew language is written and read.


My Rabbis.   They have taught me so much.

Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman and Rabbi Brenner Glickman.

Rabbi Michael Shefrin.


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