Memories: Sometimes a Smell or Taste Will Trigger Them.

My taste buds gave me a memory today.   It was of the breakfast cereal "Shredded Wheat".

I liked and ate them in my childhood and youth: always best with warmed milk.

My taste bud memory was so delicious that I bought some at my local supermarket.  They'll set me up for breakfast for at least nine days; probably with  a sliced banana.

I'd thought of them as a NABISCO  (National Biscuit Company) product made in Niagara Falls, NY.

Whoever now owns NABISCO sold the business to whoever now owns  the C.W. Post label.

Never be surprised if your "all American", or "all British" Company is owned by a Taiwanese Company with headquarters in Lichtenstein. 

Be greatly alarmed that most of the international food business is in the hands of about four megalith corporations.


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