Name that Medication.
Two days ago I had a routine appointment with a Heart Doctor who is somewhat new to me.
His predecessor (who moved to California) always made time for a bit of relaxing chit-chat before we got down to business. That was good.
The new Doctor is all business.
My heart is sound, so without by or leave, this Doctor launched into a necessary review of my meds.
He said "Take gobbledygook med # 1 twice a day. Continue to take gobbledygook med # 2 as usual. But split gobbledygook med # 3 into halves, and take half each morning and half each evening"
Gobbledygook? Might as well have been. He rattled off the names of the meds with the familiarity as I might use to name my siblings.
The names meant nothing to me!
I asked him to write them down. He did so on a Post-It, naming them in what he called his "third school grade handwriting". He got that right. A printed hand out would have been more helpful!
Make sense of that if you can. The names mean nothing to me.
'Twould be a lot easier if the names were easy to remember. I'd like them more, and remember them more if they were called Christine, Leonard, and Nora!
Does my Heart Doctor know that I am a person; not a pill receptor?
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