To the Bishops assembled &c, &c

Our Episcopal Church Bishops are gathered in New Orleans even as I write.

Some of them are godly, some of them are knaves. We have wise Bishops and unbelievably foolish Bishops. There are some Bishops with whom one might want to spend a long evening with fine food and good red wine. There are others with whom one would not wish to spend twenty minutes in a Laundromat.

But to the Bishops assembled:

1. It is not your job to defend or protect G-d. Love is indefensible, and only the arrogant would seek to protect the Almighty.

2. The Anglican Communion, as we know it, is a very modern creature, dating only since the ending of British colonialism. It is little more than a small blip on the radar screen of the history of Christendom.

It hardly even appears on the screen of all of G-d’s interactions with humankind.

Enjoy this historical perspective dear Bishops!

3. The Church is not the same as God’s reign (the kingdom of God). It can point to that
reign, or it can obscure it. The reign of G-d is infinitely more important than the Church.

4. It is not your job to save the Church. It our job to cooperate with God in healing the world.

5. You and your names will be forgotten in about 50 years.

6. Never give in to bullies. If you do so, they’ll be back to bully you more.

(Revised 6:20 p.m. September 24th)


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