Other Bishops &c

In 1971 I was “approved for training” as a Church of England Priest. The Bishop of Bristol, my home Diocese, was the Rt. Revd. Oliver Tomkins, a distinguished ecumenist. Bristol was, and is thought of as a second rate Diocese, and this appointment was not considered a plum.

I never met Dr. Tomkins as all his “discernment” work was handled by a Diocesan Director or Ordinands.

My first D.D.O was Geoffrey Paul, later to become Bishop of Hull. (His daughter Jane is the wife of the present Archbishop of Canterbury).

Canon Paul left Bristol, and I was now supervised by Canon Peter Coleman. He was a straightforward Priest, and a fine theologian. He later became Bishop of Crediton.

So off I went to Seminary in 1972, having never met my Bishop.

In 1973 Bishop Tomkins hosted the first South West Ecumenical Congress in Bristol. All his seminarians were drafted into service, and as a car owner I was designated as a chauffeur.

On a Saturday morning I was sent to the Bishop’s House to drive a luminary to a SWEC event. Dr. Tomkins himself answered the door bell, and I quickly exclaimed my mission.

He went back into the House and emerged with my passenger, introducing me as if I were a long lost friend! That was the only time I met my Bishop!

But my passenger. He was none other than the amazing Dutchman Dr. W.A. Visser’t Hooft, the first General Secretary of the World Council of Churches. Awe and wonder on my part!

Speakers at SWEC included Archbishop Michael Ramsey, and the ecumenically minded Cardinal Suenens of Belgium. The Archbishop and the Cardinal were great friends and they did a regular dog and pony show. Even today I can hear Cardinal Suenens say “You ask me the secret of my peace and joy. The secret of my peace and joy has a name : - Jesus Christ”.

Towards the end of the Congress I was asked to drive the very great Russian Orthodox Archbishop Anthony Bloom to Temple Meads Railway station, where he was to catch his train to London.

We arrived early and paced the platform, awaiting the train. We passed a “hippy” a decked out in hippy fashion.

“Good gracious” the Archbishop said in his rich Russian accent, “whatever does he think he looks like?”.

I paused for a moment, looking at Anthony in his black cassock, tall hat, and long grey beard”.

Then I dove in! “Well Archbishop” I said, “perhaps he is looking at you and thinking ‘well whatever does he think he looks like?’”

The Archbishop roared with laughter and told me “you are right”,

Two follow ups.

On that railway platform, Archbishop Bloom asked for what I needed prayer. I told him that I had a very unhappy relationship with my youngest brother. Within a year Martyn and I became best friends, which we are to this day.

Whilst as Seminary, Archbishop Michael Ramsey visited to give us a retreat. He became available for personal counsel, so I “signed up”.

I had no idea of the type of spiritual counsel I wanted, I just wanted to meet THE GREAT MAN.

When my time came I soon realised that Michael Ramsey was incapable of small talk (which is what I really wanted!).

So I muttered something inane about my prayer life, and then knelt to receive his blessing! Exit left!


  1. Orlando Bloom is definitely better looking, though I must admit I liked him better with the long blond hair (a wig of course) in Lord of the Rings. He didn't have many lines, but he did look pretty.


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