This and that again

A clerk from my Doctor’s Office called this afternoon. Yesterday’s blood tests reveal that I am NOT diabetic, but that there was a “slight impairment” in my blood glucose levels. The Doctor recommends that I stick to a low carb, low sugar diet, and repeat the tests in three months.

There is a bonus. I have already lost more than 5lbs in weight since taking up a new diet two weeks ago.


Not so good from my Dentist. Last November I had a root canal. A few days later my Dentist removed the temporary filling, and replaced it with a permanent one.

I was at his office last Wednesday for some fillings on other teeth. I saw another Dentist who inexplicably removed the permanent (November) filling, and then filled the tooth again.

I asked about this. No apology. No explanation. I simply got my money back. I think that I should find a new Dentist!


Friends Lisa and Susan in Atlanta sent me a decal for my car. You can see a photo’ of it here!


Our local NPR station just announced that one of its satellite transmitters would be down for maintenance tonight.

“It will” the announcer said “be in use again tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. in the morning”.

Funny, I had never thought that we could have 5:00 a.m. in the afternoon.


I had my blood tests at “Quest Diagnostics”.

In the waiting room there was a sign which said

“For the courtesy of our patients” (what ever that means)

No smoking (understandable)

No cell ‘phones (I get that)

No eating (that’s understandable)

No public restrooms. (wait a bit!).

Does that mean that there is no place for me to pee in the office? I needed that place when I gave an urine sample a few weeks ago. I am glad that I was not required to fill the cup in the Street!

And if I have to stay in the waiting room for two hours (as was the case last Thursday), what do I do if I am taken short?

Am I, or am I not “public”?


Quest Diagnostic’s office is in a three story complex with a central courtyard. There is an elevator ( a lift), and stairways.

At the foot of the stairway is a sign which reads

“Consult your Physician before using stairs”.

These stairs? Any stairs?

Should I call my Doctor every time I encounter stairs?


That’s the way it is today!



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