I am sick and tired of you all

Just suppose for a moment that there is a God, who roughly approximates to the God of the Jewish and Christian scriptures.

( My bottom line on this is that I am “an agnostic in the Christian tradition” )

But suppose that there is a God such as we know of in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Just suppose also that this God is (as is claimed) the only God, and that she/he is the God of the entire Universe.

Imagine that Universe for a moment. And ask, “is it more likely that we are the only planet with beings (humans) which can respond to that God, or that there are other beings in other “parts of the Universe” which also “relate” to the one God?”

I would suppose the latter. But it is just a supposition.

Now, go to your imagination again and imagine a God who “says” this to earthlings:

“I am so sick and tired of you, so weary with you, so bored with you, that I am paying you no attention.

I am enjoying other beings in these Universes who seem to “get it” more than you.

But, with you, I have given it my best, to no avail.

You are polluting the air, fresh water and ocean water to such an extent that you are endangering your descendants. You simply don’t care about those who will be born fifty years hence.

You love war, and hate peace. You do your awful best to kill each other in my name.

And I have tried, good Lord I have tried. Oops, that’s me - the good Lord!

“Moses” gave you a law through which you could live in peace and harmony, and by which you could, if you’d wished, care for the poor and the oppressed. But you are obsesses with those laws which have to do with your wonderful bodies, and ignore the ones which tell you to care for the poor, the indigent and the immigrant; the ones that call you to fair trade.

And there were a ton of prophets. Always they called you to justice. Always they gave you a vision of peace and harmony. But you used but a few of their words to “proof text” your miserable preaching.

Please don’t take my Name in vain. That’s one of the “Moses” laws. But you wear your tee shirts, badges and bumper stickers talking of Jesus as if he were a soothing therapist serving camomile tea. Have you forgotten how he challenged the political and religious leaders. Did he, or did he not say “blessed are the poor”? And those feedings of the multitudes - you think that they were a bit of skilful magic to prove whomever he was. When he is hungry you do not feed him, you pray for him. When he is imprisoned you say that he deserves to be there.

I am sick and tired of your vain repetition of Jesus this and Jesus that.

In fact, I am sick and tired of you all together. You should know therefore that I have shoved off to some other part of the Universe, and I cannot hear a damn thing you say. And most of what you say is damnable”.


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