Church and Cats

After my morning walk I took myself to the 10:00 Eucharist at All Angels by the Sea on Longboat Key. I like it there.

The Liturgy is crisp and to the point; the Rector, David Danner preaches well, and the Music led by Dale Hooey is excellent.

My fondness for All Angels is unexpected. I have served blue collar, or moderate income parishes, and All Angels is clearly upper middle class and wealthy.

It is the most genuinely friendly parish I’ve encountered in these parts. The worshippers are down to earth, and apparently uncomplicated. And they care for the poor.

After Eucharist I had a good chat with Bill and Carol Freeman, on holiday from Maine. We discovered that we have friends in common: Mary Lou LaVallee, Dan Kunhardt, and Ed Greene.

As we chatted, I remembered that we had met before. ‘Twas on the steps of the Cathedral in Boston on the day we elected Gayle Harris to be Bishop Suffragan.

Bill and Carol’s son, Bruce (I knew him when he was in Athol, MA) was a nominee, as was my good friend Paula Jackson (for whom I gave a nominating speech).

In the end, neither Bruce nor Paula were elected, and the Diocese of Mass. made a good choice in electing Gayle Harris.

My mind was on my new house-mates, the cats Adelaide and Adams. I stopped be to make sure they were O.K., before having a simple lunch with my friend Ben Morse.

Then it was back home to fuss over the cats. Adelaide is very friendly. She loves to have her head rubbed. She is more at home on the Lanai than in the house. Already she has killed, but not eaten, three of those tiny Lizards which creep into our Florida homes.

Adams is still quite nervous. He ventured out of the crate today, and explored the Lanai, but would not let me near him. At one time he ventured into the sitting room, and then hid himself in a dark corner.

There are days when I wish to do that!


  1. Glad to hear Adams has come out of his crate (if only to find another hiding place)!

  2. Some kitties are just more timid. You are doing the right thing -- letting him explore at his own pace and on his own terms. Our kitty, Felix, was almost feral when I got him, and now he's the biggest love and attention hog -- we can't believe how far he's come.

    I'm so glad you adopted Adelaide and Adams! Their companionship will be priceless, and they needed someone to love and care for them.

  3. Well! I miss a couple of days reading your blog and look what happens.

    As for M. Adam, you might try sitting very still in the same place as a regular routine. If you can get comfortable in a low chair or on the floor that might help.

    And don't underestimate the power of catnip. I promise it won't make them lie to you and borrow money without returning it.


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