Why I did not go to Church today.
I’m back after taking a week off from making entries to “Povey Prattle”. That week off was intentional.
I decided to keep blog silence in the run up to the tenth anniversary of 9/11/01.
Beginning last Sunday (4th September 2011) reporters, pundits and “John Q Public” of the media: (newspapers, radio, television and social media such as Facebook) went into overdrive with stories, and re-hashed stories, and opinion and natter about the cruel and ghastly events of 10 years ago.
All that has needed to be said has been said, and said over and over again. And then again.
I decided that my two cents’ worth was worth exactly 2c, so I shut up. Whatever I might have said on my blog would have been preachy or platitudinous, and I could well have gone “overboard” in a rant or two. (What, “a rant from jmp”? How shocking that would be!)
Even today I did not listen to the radio (I never watch T.V.). I simply cannot endure the babble.
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