A perfectly wonderful Christmas Day

I presided and preached at the 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day service at St. Boniface.  It was good to be back in the saddle.

I'll publish my sermon tomorrow.

After service a visitor said  "you are a very good actor".  I took that as a great compliment. Good liturgy is also good performance  as we enact the great themes of our faith.

The congregation  (mostly visitors) numbered 58.  That included the two Churchwardens who made it their business to be present (good for them), and our Director of music playing his fourth service in eighteen hours.

I saw from the attendance book that the Christmas Eve attendance topped 1,000 (in three services).

This afternoon I was at the home of Chris and Greg for a Christmas Feast.  Chris is a professional chef with an international reputation, and Greg is a gracious host.

They open their home on Christmas Day for those who otherwise might be alone.  There were about 35 of us. It was a fantastic feast, with good company (old and new friends) and lively and funny conversation.

'Twas a lovely day.


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