Nov 30th posting - "Hospital calls to B and F" - and an amazing follow up

Re my posting on Sunday, 30 November 2014  entitled   "Hospital calls to B and F, and deeply aware of the shortness and uncertainty of human life (again)"

(Check it out on my blog, or on my Facebook timeline).
What a difference a week makes!

Earlier this week I felt sure that I would be offering prayers for B, when and if  F decided to withdraw life support.

I visited them this morning at Blake Hospital in Bradenton, FL.  

Here is what I found today,  (I can now use their names):
Well I never.   Bob began to show signs of unexpected but welcome progress yesterday afternoon.
He is now breathing on his own , and is clearly responsive to his surroundings, with eye movements, attempts at smiles, and facial responses to conversation.
I saw it myself this morning when I visited.  When Frank (Bob's partner) offered a kiss -  Bob puckered his lips!
I did not see Patty or Peggy, (Bob's sisters) but Frank is clearly over the moon with joy.
I chatted with Bob, we prayed the Lord's prayer, and then I offered healing prayer, and pronounced God's blessing. 
Then I went downstairs in the hospital with Frank for an excellent cup of coffee, and a long parking lot conversation.  I am sharing this news with his permission.
Frank is grateful for the St. Boniface team, and for our love, prayers, and support.



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