Preparing for the inevitable disaster

Matthew 24:37-39 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

37 For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For as until the day Noah entered the ark, 39 and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them all away, 

This biblical text has often been interpreted as one about God's judgment.  
I suggest that it can also be interpreted to refer to a willful lack of preparation in the face of disaster.  Read it this way
 "in those days before the great disaster they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage"
The great disaster is upon us.  
climate change, 
global warming, 
world wide over population, 
the feckless and reckless plunder of our planet's resources, 
the pollution of springs, wells, rivers and oceans, 
the profligate use of  pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers 

etc., etc., etc.
all these are leading us to a massive collapse of planet earth's ecology, with ghastly and unthinkable consequences: utter poverty for the many; sickness, disease, death from starvation or dehydration. 
They will lead to dystopian societies (we already have many - e.g. Yemen, Gaza, parts of Brasil, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo etc), 
and military or civilian dictatorships (Egypt, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, The Philippines, Turkey, China etc, 
and oligarchies (Russia, the U.K, the U.S.A. etc.)

I posted this earlier today

One good friend said that she could not bear to read it.  I understand.

But we must read it for the sake of our grandchildren and great grandchildren.  

We seniors have a duty and responsibility to help to prepare them for a harsh future.  (I think of my beloved 10 years old great niece Bree).


I am a retired  Pastor so I have a word for local Christian congregations and their leaders ('tis also a word for Imams and Rabbis etc.)

What are you doing to make your congregation be truthful and get real in the face of the impending disaster? 

What are you doing for the sake of the young and little ones who will come to maturity in a disaster filled world?

A bigger building or a better choir will not be good enough, (I have been in favour of both!)

Small group discussions will not suffice. Leadership from the pulpit or bema is vital.


FOR THE RECORD  I did preach about this (however feebly) in two of the congregations I served between 1984 and 2006)

There will not be a new Noah's Ark.

The presence of the Lord Jesus will not be to save us from the disaster, but in the disaster,


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