** Praise in the common things of life.

**  (From the hymn "Oh for a heart to praise my God")

Just ordinary activities today.  There can be splendor in the ordinary.

Laundry/washing of course.  After all, it's Monday!

Two walks with Zion in the neighbourhood, and two at our favoured Arlington Park.

Zion to the Vet for his annual check up and some shots. He is *mostly in good health.

A Veterinary technician took him off to draw blood.  She came back and said "he is so good. I usually need someone to hold dogs and cats when I draw blood, but not with Zion. He did not fuss a bit. I will note on his chart that he is a good dog".

(We all know that!).

* Mostly, but the Veterinarian noted that he needs to lose about four pounds in weight and gave me instructions as to how to achieve this. We also talked about his scratching "issues" and hope that as I move him away from beef or chicken based kibbles and treats it will ameliorate. 

To Discovery Village  in Bradenton to visit with my friend Bob (always a pleasure) and to let Zion exercise his ministry as a therapy dog in the memory unit.  His bff Tina shed her usual tears of joy on seeing Z, who seems to know what those tears are all about.

Lunch at Millie's on Clark Road

with my friends Deb and her husband Ev.

Deb is the utterly esteemed and recently retired director of Sarasota's fabulous Circus Museum at "the Ringling".

Ev (Everett) was the beloved Rector of St. Margaret of Scotland Episcopal Church in SRQ until he retired about two years ago.

Our gathering today was one of those events that we have promised each other for a while,  and accomplished today.  We sat at table for nearly two hours (almost unheard of for lunch!) and had a sometimes lively, sometimes funny, and sometimes serious conversation. OH JOY!

"Millie's" is one of those old style breakfast and lunch joints where one can get a hearty breakfast or a healthy lunch at a decent price.  I had a tomato stuffed with chicken salad and surrounded with fresh fruit. Good!  So very good.

The waitresses ( to use an old fashioned word) are mostly middle aged women who know well the skill of taking care of diners without fussing over them: women who have honed their craft and skills.  YES and AMEN!

Praise in the common things of life.

I didn't even get a nap today!


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