Post Covid 19 Hibernation SWEETNESS # 2. This time in Bradenton, FL
Before the COVID 19 restrictions Z and I made regular visits to the memory unit at Discovery Village.
We would be there each Wednesday morning just in time for the daily activity session. The residents would be seated in a semi-circle. Zion was like Queen Elizabeth II at some function or other. He would move around from person to person, each one greeting him turn my turn.
Until he got to Tina. She would weep for the joy of seeing him. He would roll on to his back so that she could rub his belly.
We are back at Discovery Village in a limited way; chiefly to visit a resident who is a personal friend.
We visited my friend the other day. On our way out we saw Tina as she walked a corridor with the assistance of staff members.
I dropped Z's leash. He ran to Tina. She smiled; then she wept. Her canine pal was back!
'Twas a tender moment for me; for the staff members; for Z; and especially for Tina.
By the way. Tina's husband lives in the main unit. He visits her every day. And he makes sure that T. has regular visits with the in-house manicurist, and the in-house hair stylist so that she looks her best, What a wonderful, thoughtful and devoted spouse!
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