“My Life as a Traitor” by the Persian/Iranian woman Zarah Ghahramani.

If you are ever tempted to think that the torture of human beings is justifiable:
               Read “My Life as a Traitor” by the Persian/Iranian woman Zarah Ghahramani.

If you are ever tempted to believe that women should be submissive to men (a common belief amongst Evangelical, Anglo-Catholic, and Fundamentalist Christians):

               Read “My Life as a Traitor” by the Persian/Iranian woman Zarah Ghahramani.

If you are ever tempted to say that human rights are relative, and that a passion for them maybe fine in the western democracies, but is inapplicable in other cultures/countries:

               Read “My Life as a Traitor” by the Persian/Iranian woman Zarah Ghahramani.


If you accept without question the premise that each and every opinion, of each and every person, is equally valid:

               Read “My Life as a Traitor” by the Persian/Iranian woman Zarah Ghahramani.


“My life as a Traitor” by Zarah Ghanramani was published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, in New York , 2008


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