Canines in Australia

Even *whilst I was enjoying my holiday in Australia I was missing my fabulous dog Penne.  It turns out that she settled down well with her sitter, so I am not at all certain that she missed me.  

(‘Though she did put on an “Oscar-worthy” performance when we hooked up again last Friday at Tampa’s International Airport, and she has scarcely let me out of her sight since then).

Of course the good news is that Penne was (quote) “an angel” in my absence.

I met some dogs that are house pets in Australia.

When I was in Melbourne I was more than happy to meet Andrew and Felicity’s 16 year old Golden Retriever named Goldie.  Goldie is a total love, and like Penne, she was very happy when I rubbed her ears or scratched her haunches.

Calvin also lives with Andrew and Felicity.  He is a 10lb bundle of energy – part Maltese, part Shiatsu, and part something else.

Calvin barked at me for about 30 seconds when I arrived at his home.  Then he ignored me.

Next day he licked my hand – all uninvited. 

I took him for a walk, and thence became his hero.  When I got anywhere near the front door, Calvin would “dance” on his hind legs in the hope that we were about to walk.

In the event he and I took more than eight walks over five days - ‘twas good for each of us.

Next I hoved down to Sydney from Melbourne.   

There, on a trip to Manly Beach, I met “Hoover” - a muscular, strong, and totally gentle Rhodesian ridgeback. Hoover’s owner is older Australian (read “old codger”) who span many a yarn even as Hoover and I “made out".

At the wonderful “Cleland Wildlife Reserve” near Adelaide I saw a couple of dingoes in a semi-humane pit.  

I also saw a caged dingo in a rather less than wonderful Wildlife Park, (more like a puny zoo), at Featherdale near Sydney.

More tomorrow, or the next day.

*  I was “tickled pink” to see that “whilst” is still in use in Australia, as in: “Do not speak to the Driver whilst the tram is running”


Calvin likes me

With Goldie and Calvin

"Hoover", Rhodesian Ridge back (at Manly Beach)

Caged Dingo at Featherstone Wildlife Park

Dingo in "pit" at Cleland Wildlife Preserve (1)

Dingo in "pit" at Cleland Wildlife Preserve (2)


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