"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I don't give a damn"
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I don't give a damn" about your assertion that no Muslim should become President unless she/he positively disavow Sharia Law.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because you are so ignorant about the meaning of Sharia.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because the Islam-aphobia which you endorse is no different than the anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, anti-Italian, anti-Jewish, anti-Negro * attitudes which have been a consistent part of American history.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because the American people need a vision of hope, not a manifesto of fear.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because our (mostly) noble Constitution trumps your sectarian stance.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because you do not assent to the Constitution. see:-
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I don't give a damn" about the religious or irreligious views of any President or potential President just so long as she:"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because you are so ignorant about the meaning of Sharia.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because I doubt that you have ever seen a Koran, let alone read one.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because your narrow and sectarian views (and they are yours to hold) are in direct conflict with our Constitution.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because I do not wish to see a United States which is led by a person with his own Christian "spin" on how we should be governed.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because the American people need a vision of hope, not a manifesto of fear.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because our (mostly) noble Constitution trumps your sectarian stance.
"Frankly, Dr. Ben Carson, I give a damn" because you do not assent to the Constitution. see:-
The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is found in Article VI, paragraph 3, and states that:
1, Upholds the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
2, Governs without sectarian bias.
3, Has learned, and is willing to learn yet more.
4. Has a track record of wise and fruitful leadership in public and/or private life.
5. Has a demonstrable ability to be corrected (every President needs a truth-teller in his Administration, one who will "tell the Emperor when he has no clothes") .
Given that, (and a few other considerations which I cannot call to mind as I write!) I have no concerns about the religious faith, or the absence of faith, of any aspirant to the U.S. Presidency.
Better, I think, a wise Muslim President than a foolish Christian.
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