Close encounters of the heart warming sort.

Ed is a a bagger at my local "Publix"  Supermarket.

He is a gentle man with "special needs".

I thanked him for bagging my groceries.

He replied "It's my pleasure".

I grinned from ear to ear because I knew that he meant what he said.  It was indeed his pleasure to bag my purchases.


I was at the Sarasota Office of the "Triple A"  (American Automobile Association) the other day, to purchase some Great Britain Pounds.

I was attended to by a genial and pleasant "Anglo" employee.

To my right an Italian speaking AAA employee was engaged in a lively conversation with an Italian customer.

Their conversation was music to my ears.

I had a vague understanding of what they were saying, but that was not the main point,

The main point was that I was excited and charmed to hear the Italian language -  surely one of the most delightful sounds for those of us who are of Western European descent ( and also for other "World Citizens" )


My Sarasota friends Ron and Charlotte stopped by last night for a snifter and some nibbles. (Our mutual friends Ben and Bob were also here). 

Ron and Charlotte rarely attend Church, but they are deeply rooted in  Christian traditions,

They are amongst the most generous, wise, thoughtful, and compassionate folks one could ever hope to meet,

Makes you think eh?  -  when we are blessed by the friendship of fabulous people who rarely attend Church.

------  of such is the Kingdom of Heaven!


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