Samantha who?

Since I knew nothing about her I went on line to discover that Samantha Bee is a comedian.

She's the Samantha Bee who recently described Ivanka Trump as a c...

It was at the least a cheap shot at a sitting target. An attack on Ivanka Trump because of her last name.

At the most it was the employment of a horrid and vile word; a word always used to degrade and demean women. 

You know that I am no fan of the Trumps and their politics.  But I am horrified and disgusted that the President's daughter has been demeaned by the use of this reprehensible word.  Inexcusable.

One of the responses from people on the left is that the foes of  Hillary Clinton also used this word to describe her.

I will not reproduce photo's of the tee shirts which some right wingers wore; tee shirts which bore the c... word above a picture of Hillary Rodham Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. 

That too was disgusting and demeaning of  Hillary Clinton. Inexcusable 

But for now I am deeply troubled that some of my leftish friends are saying words to the effect that "the right wing has no good reason to be mad at Samantha Bee's use of the word, since they started it with their attacks on Hillary which used the same word."

Oh, for goodness sake is our political rhetoric back there with the third-graders who exchange insults at play time/recess, and then excuse themselves by saying "he/she started it".

I suppose that it is, viz :  "The liberal Samantha called Ivanka a c..., but the conservative Trump supporters started it my calling Hillary a c..."


Oh dear.  Please remember that the preamble to the United States Constitution holds out the hope and vision of "a more perfect Union"

Honest and loyal Americans on the right and on the left will always be striving for this more perfect union.  

Those on the left and on the right who employ rhetoric which uses such devices as the c word will most surely lead us unto more imperfect disunion.


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