I wanted to be a Tenor.

When my voice broke I wanted to be a Tenor.

Instead I was allotted a rusty Baritone voice, one which has served me fairly well.

I was fortunate enough to attend Fairfield Grammar School in Bristol U.K.  (In  my time the English usage of Grammar School, entered via a competitive exam, was the equivalent of an American High School).

Fairfield was fortunate to have a superb choir and orchestra under the leadership of W.J.  (Dickie) Richards.

Our annual concert would fill the Bristol, U.K. "Colston Hall" with its 2000 + seats.

One year we sang "The Heavens are Telling" from Haydn's Oratorio, "The Creation".

F/J. Haydn

It's a bit of music which has never left my mind. I can still hear my mind counting out the notes and rests.

Better still my best school pal Stephen Meyer could join the choir for music which was not specifically Christian. (60 years on, Steve and I are still in touch),

Here is the music!



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