March 1st -- St. David's Day

Earlier today I posted a bit about the Welsh Saint David's Day: March 1st.

Unfortunately the "Google Translate" app.  misled me,  so that my posting in Welsh had to do with St. Valentine, rather than with David of WALES. ( thanks Annie R for pointing this out).

The symbol for David of Wales is the leek; probably because he was most likely a vegetarian. 

Who wants to wear a Leek as a buttioner  (sp?) .  NOT A SOUL. 

Thus the Daffodil has supplanted the leek as a symbol for Wales.

TOSH!  Long live the Leek.

Sautéed in Coconut  milk;  with a Welsh lamb chop, and Baby potatoes. Coming soon to my stomach!

Who could ask for anything more? 



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