Guess I'll go eat worms. NEVER as I get to be 72 years old,.

Nobody likes me 
Ev'rybody hates me
Guess I'll go eat worms

Long, thin, slimy ones
Short, fat, juicy ones
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms..  
(American Summer Camp Song)

It's a song I'll never have to sing.  Indeed I am overwhelmed and grateful for the terrific outpouring of greetings for my 72nd birthday.  I was privileged to get more than 120 Facebook greetings, plus some nice e-mails  and real birthday cards.  It's all a bit humbling.

Facebook friends will know that I note their birthdays by saying "Happy Tomday", or  "Happy Janeday".  That's because I love my own birthday anniversaries -  the one day in the year in which I am not bashful about having a "me day"!  So it is, as in the examples above, my friends are entitled to a Tomday or a Janeday, and I to a Michaelday.

This year I was fortunate enough to be with dear friends for three Michaelday  celebrations.

Wednesday evening saw me at the home of the ever blessed Ron and Charlotte Thompson. Their good friend Cindy joined us  (as did my good friend Penne). (Ron and Char are her devoted Uncle and Aunt, she stays with them when I am away)

Char and Ron  (photo' not from this week)

My friends and family members who have met Char and Ron will agree that they are  utterly delightful people;  warm and given to hospitality; lively and engaging conversationalists.

We shared a wonderful meal,  with plump and juicy scallops from Maine, Broccoli Rabe, and Couscous, followed by some delicious pastries from a new(ish) French bakery in Gulf Gate Village.


After a treatment from my Dermatologist on Thursday afternoon, I met up with fabulous friends, a sister and brothers in Christ from St. Boniface Church for dinner at Sarasota's Cafe Baci.  I've driven past this place many times, but this was my first time to eat there.  It's in a rather nondescript building on the "South Trail".  It's notable for the funny signs on a marquee, and famous for a northern Italian menu.

There was so much I liked at Cafe Baci.  The Hostess greeted us with a  warm and gracious greeting.  Our Waitress was utterly professional.  She was friendly without being over-bearing.  She gave us good attention without being over-bearing. 

And "Oh the Food"!   We started with a complimentary Antipasto plate (complimentary to those who make reservations on line).   I haven't eaten Italian food in oh so many years, so I chose Ravioli Di Fungh as my entree.  I was a good choice: excellent home made Ravioli, crammed with mushrooms and served with a delicious creamy tomato? sauce.

Word got out that it was my birthday so I was presented with a goodly sized slice of Tiramisu (?) -  enough to share.    To crown it all Cafe Baci offered complimentary glasses of Sambuca for those who wished.

But the food and ambiance were only half of the story.

We were the Assistant Rector at St. Boniface Church, Sarasota; the Revd. Andrea (Andi) S. Taylor - soon to leave us to become the Rector at St. David's Church in South Yarmouth, MA), her husband Jonathan Taylor, and our St, Boniface Deacon, the Revd Allan Rogers.

It was partly a celebration of  my birthday, and a valedictory soirĆ©e for Andi and Jonathan.

We like, admire  and respect each other so much.  So it was that we were at Table for three hours  (you can do that in a good Italian restaurant),  and we enjoyed rich fellowship, which at times was funnier than all get out, and at times as deep and engaging as is possible.

What a thrice blessed person I am to be able to celebrate my birthday with Allan, Andi and Jonathan.

Cafe Baci sign

Jonathan Taylor

The Revd. Andrea S (Andi) Taylor

The Revd. Deacon Allan Rogers

My birthday cake


I rounded out the celebrations today (Friday 27th May) by having lunch at the Dry Dock on Longboat Key with the lovely Diana Emrich.    Diana's husband is the Revd. Fred Emrich - we were colleagues in Western Massachusetts.

Diana and Fred have a winter home on Longboat Key, and a  summer home on the island of North Haven in Maine's Penobscot Bay.

My two older sisters and their husbands will surely treasure the memory of fabulous lunch we all had last November, also at the Dry Dock.

Fred has already returned to North Haven, so lunch  was a gracious time with just Diana and me.

I ate two utterly delicious Lobster Rolls, with a side of coleslaw..  (Boy, have I been eating well!).

More importantly Diana (of English heritage) enjoyed each others' company so much,    She will soon travel to the U.K. to visit with her sister, after which she will join Fred on North Haven, ME.

Outside the Dry Dock today.


No, I will not eat worms!    Instead I give thanks for the gifts of life and friends and celebrations.

I can't wait to be 73 years old!


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