More about Irma and me.

Old "map"

So it seems that the west coast of Florida will bear the brunt on Sunday evening.

I say "it seems"   because the the potential route changes by the hour. For that reason I have ceased to watch T.V,; listen to the radio; or to try to track the storm on the internet.  I'll just wait and see.

In the meantime I am entirely grateful for my non-SRQ friends and family members in Bristol, U.K, who have 'phoned; e-mailed, or texted me with  their  expressions of love and concern. That's so precious.

One of my dearest friends (Joe R of Granby MA) called me today to express his concerns, and those of his wife D.

I told him that I was planning to ride out the storm alone.

Joe was adamant in expressing his opinion that this was not a good plan.  he thought that I should not be alone.

 I heard him.

So now,  when the storm hits I will leave my cat in a safe place with water, food and a litter box, and then de-camp to the home of my friends Bill and Pat as the storm passes through. .  That will be much better than being alone.


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