What a Palaver/Palavi and other silliness

My smart 'phone has that voice to text feature for Voice Mail.

I like it because instead of listening to long voice mails over and over again, I can read them at one "swell foop".

Voice to text has its funny side. What it hears and what it writes depends on the diction and accent  of the caller.

By now I am used to reading "Mr Posey"  (for Povey).

The office manager at my veterinarian's office must have a difficult accent, for her voice to text messages consistently refer to me as Mr. Palavi.

Perhaps in truth I am Sr. Giovanni Micheli Palavi.

Now there's a name I would gladly own!


I have Savings and Checking Accounts at our local Everence Federal Credit Union. The local branch is in Sarasota's Amish/Mennonite area know as Pinecraft.

(Yes, we have a population of Amish and Mennonite people in SRQ.  Google "Pinecraft, Sarasota" for more information).

Our local Everence Branch getting ready for their annual Pie Contest.  Amish and Mennonite Christians are INTO PIE (sturdy food for farmers and farm workers)

EVERENCE used to be called "Mennonite Financial Services".   I like to bank with them because their business plan has a heavy emphasis on Bible-based stewardship of creation

I looked at my Everence  savings account on line the other day, to discover that I had been given a credit of $ 125 from a source unknown to me.

TURNS OUT that this credit had been posted to my account  in error - most likely because of a mis-placed digit in account numbers.

I reported this to the Everence staff who  were grateful for my honesty.  I said "it's easy to be honest about $125, add a few zeroes and I'd be in Paris by now!"


Meanwhile down at the Winn-Dixie Supermarket on "the south trail"

my check-out clerk/cashier was convulsed with hiccups. Before we'd greeted each other I let out a loud "boo" which made her jump.   Her hiccups ended.


  1. You're enough to scare the hiccups out of anyone Michael, hugs Jack


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