I love being silly!

Ben was a dear friend to many of us in the Glen Oaks communities.

He lived alone after the death of his dear partner Bruce.

Ben was in his nineties; was very deaf; and was legally blind.

But he was so smart.  To avoid aloneness he held open house every evening at 5:00.  There could be as few of us as three in attendance.  Sometimes there were as many as fourteen.

We called it Ben's Bar.

After his death (Dec 2016) we decided to keep Ben's Bar  alive, but  only on Friday evenings. We stay connected,

We take it in turn to host.

It was my turn tonight (Jan 26th). ( Zion was a perfect gentleman in the face  of thirteen guests ).

I love to tease!  Our friend Rick P is utterly teaesable.

This is how I greeted  him today. He loved it! 

Rick resisted,  He does not drink gin. He loved my  huma!


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