We met again - it was good.
North Cattleman Rd, SRQ |
I was there today for my follow up with the vascular surgeon. The good news is that the blood circulation to my left leg is now normal. Next to my right leg.
The surgeons' office is on the second floor. Their surgical suite is downstairs on the first floor.
On my way out I had it in mind to go to the surgical suite to thank the staff, because they had treated me so well.
I didn't get that far. As I walked down the stairs the two R.N.'s and the P.A. who had assisted in the surgery were walking up.
I recognised them, and they recognised me (surprising because they know me best from the waist down!).
Such skilled, caring and utterly cheerful staff! How good to be able to thank them face to face.
And of course I am mindful that I live in a modern city with ample access to health care (thanks to my insurance), and utterly skilled staffs.
My gratitude indeed for this privilege.
The story would be very different if I lived in deep rural America, or if I were uninsured, or if I were in an overflowing refugee camp.
None of my privilege is by right.
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